EN: 📩🔥🎤 Rap & Hip-Hop Party Night with Pil C, Dokkeytiono and Rollsout! 🎤🔥 📍 Where? Club Hopkirk-Hurbanovo námestie 6 Bratislava 📩Klub Hopkirk regularly and for more than 10 years brings you the best names across the entire SK and CZ scene. It won't be any different now! 📆 FRIDAY-17. May 2024 🚪 We open the gates of the club from 21:00 to 04:00. ♦️Join us and let's celebrate together a great evening full of rap and hip-hop! Well-known names such as Pil C, Dokkeytiono and Rollsout will perform in the club. 📣Pil C is a famous rapper known for his energetic shows and great songs. The event will feature tracks from the latest album "S láskou Lukáš" as well as older bangers that need no introduction. 📣 He will be hosted by Dokkeytino and Rollsout, who have recently won a place on the scene and know how to excite the crowd. Dokkeytino became famous with well-known tracks such as "PUFF PUFF PASS, GOD MODE or J LO". The party is organized by the famous streetwear brand [UNREAL], famous for organizing crazy parties with beautiful girls, with a local chain of stores under the brand SMOKING DIS , who knows the best tastes of Amsterdam. On May 17, they bring an unforgettable party to the city. [On this night we will turn Bratislava upside down.]
🎟 Tickets: First wave: €10
🎟Second wave: €12
🎟 Entrance at the gate: €15
🎫VIP: €150 (includes 6 tickets for you and your friends + seating + bottle service). ✨️You can buy tickets soon! Don't miss this night of great music and fun with Pil C, Dokkeytiono and Rollsout.
Come to Hopkirk Club for an unforgettable night of rap and hip-hop. ✨️ 🔗 Tickets and other information soon
📩🔥🎤 Rap & Hip-Hop Party Night s Pil C, Dokkeytiono a Rollsout! 🎤🔥
📍 Kde? Klub Hopkirk-Hurbanovo námestie 6 Bratislava
📩Klub Hopkirk vám pravidelne a viac ako 10 rokov prináša tie najlepšie mená naprieč celou SK a CZ scénou. Inak tomu nebude ani teraz!
📆 PIATOK-17. Máj 2024
🚪Brány klubu otvárame od 21:00 do 04:00 .
♦️Pridajte sa k nám a poďme spolu osláviť skvelý večer plný rapu a hip-hopu! V klube vystúpia známe mená ako Pil C, Dokkeytiono a Rollsout .
📣Pil C je slávny rapper známy svojími energickými shows a skvelými skladbami. Na evente odznejú tracky z posledneho albumu "S láskou Lukáš" ale tak isto aj staršie bangre, ktoré netreba predstavovať .
📣Hosťovať mu budú Dokkeytino a Rollsout,ktorí si v poslednej dobe vydobili miesto na scéne a vedia, ako nadchnúť dav. Dokkeytino sa preslávil známymi trackmi, ako "PUFF PUFF PASS,GOD MODE či J LO".
Párty organizuje známa značka streetwear oblečenia [UNREAL], ktorá sa preslávila organizovaním bláznivých večierkov s krásnymi dievčatami, s miestnym reťazecom obchodov pod značkou SMOKING DIS , ktorý pozná tie najlepšie chute z Amsterdamu.
17. mája prinášajú do mesta nezabudnuteľnú párty. [V túto noc obrátime Bratislavu hore nohami.]
🎟 Lístky: Prvá vlna : 10€
🎟Druhá vlna : 12€
🎟Vstup na bráne : 15€
🎫VIP: 150€ (obsahuje 6 vstupov pre teba a tvojích kamarátov + sedenie + bottle service).
✨️Lístky si môžete kúpiť už teraz! Nenechajte si újsť túto noc skvelej hudby a zábavy s Pil C, Dokkeytiono a Rollsout. Príďte do Hopkirk Clubu na nezabudnuteľnú rapovú a hip-hopovú noc. ✨️
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